How to Fish for Catfish

Catfish are one of the most popular fish in America, with over 7 million anglers nationwide. Many people enjoy fishing, but not everyone knows how to fish for catfish. Catfishing is a great way to catch some of the tastiest and most sought after freshwater fish on the market.
There are many reasons that catfish make an excellent choice for beginning and advanced anglers alike. For starters, they have wide distribution across the United States which makes them easier to find than other species of fish in some areas. They also have a fighting ability comparable to larger trophy-sized game fish like tarpon or salmon.
Furthermore, one can eat these tasty critters every day without ever having to worry about catching your fill because there are so darned easy to catch with bait from earthworms up through cheese sticks if you want something more substantial as bait too!
Catfish can be found in both freshwater and saltwater environments, which means they are easy to find near lakes, rivers or seaside towns. For those who want to get started with this sport, here is the information you need along with some tips on how to fish for catfish.
What are Catfish
Catfish are a diverse group of ray-finned fish. They can live in a variety of water conditions, from clear to muddy. Catfish have exceptional smell and taste capabilities, being able to detect minute traces of scents down to the parts-per-billion level. This is why catfish anglers often use stink-baits and other odiferous offerings such as cut fish.
Catfish also have good vision in clear water and can hear well, but they are mostly deaf underwater because their lateral line sense isn’t very sensitive there – that’s how you catch them! They do though possess extraordinary senses when it comes to detecting vibrations using their lateral line system which means if you’re sitting still on a riverbank fishing for these delectable creatures with no bait or lure then all bets are off.
What types of Catfish are there?
Catfish are interesting creatures. There four main species of catfish that live in North America: the bullhead, channel, flathead and blue catfishes. The most widely-distributed is the bull head which can be found across all of United States as well as Southern Canada while also inhabiting parts of Mexico along with Great Lakes region down through central US south to Gulf coast states including Texas and Louisiana.
The other three types have smaller ranges but still pretty wide! Bulls heads like living in small streams or large rivers throughout much lower sections whereas channels love areas near waterfalls where they’re able to catch insects on their sensitive whiskers from below; this has led them being introduced by man into many new regions around world over time due to.

Channel Catfish: Channel cats are the best option for anglers looking to have a great time catching lots of fish. Channel cats are abundant and most widely distributed in the United States, providing an excellent opportunity for anglers of all skill levels to catch them consistently.
They’re really easy to catch too, just throw out your line and wait! This is because they live close together in water that doesn’t require any special equipment or gear.

Blue Catfish: The blues are the most sought after species of catfish among hardcore anglers. They grow big, they fight hard and can be caught in excellent numbers. Blue cats also have another quality that makes them a favorite: Their size means you’re never at a loss for fish to catch!

Flathead Catfish: Flatheads are known for being big and tough and for putting up one heck of a fight! Fishing for flathead catfish is often thought of by many to be “slower” fishing even though they can still be caught in numbers at times.
Fishermen that are fishing for flatheads, focus their efforts on trying to catch a very large fish over trying to fill their time with a bunch of smaller ones. It is a quality over quantity thing.

Bullhead Catfish: Bullhead catfish are the ultimate survivors. They can live in any kind of water, even if it’s deep and muddy or contains low oxygen levels!
Although their numbers can be extremely high in many bodies of water, they usually don’t get the attention of other catfish species because most bulls have smaller sizes than some other types – it’s an unfair world out there for these fish.
Where to find Catfish
Catfish can be caught almost anywhere in a lake or river. Obviously, the time of year plays an important role in where catfish will most likely congregate. Catfish love cover! They like to live around structures in the water that provide them with cover during the day time. These things can be docks, bridges or even overhanging banks.
Related: Are Catfish Bottom Feeders
Flatheads also migrate with them but instead of moving all over the river they prefer staying closer together which we call stationary fishing spots- those that spawn at certain times too!
Furthermore, catfish have a natural affinity for moving water. After heavy rains or flooding, the current can become more powerful and food sources like insects that were caught in it will be easier to find by these hungry fish! In turn you will have a better chance at one during those conditions.
What Bait should I use?
Catfish are always hungry and they’ll eat just about anything that moves. They’re also opportunists in the water- for example if there is an assortment of bait available catfish will usually go with whatever their natural prey would be in the area you want to fish.
So whether you use shad or other live baits like sunfishes, bream or minnows; cats have got your back! Channel Catfish though love stink bait and chicken livers which seem like they work great when catching them too! Blue cats on the other hand prefer cut baits while flatheads have a reputation for liking live bait best.
Bait Type | Channel Catfish | Blue Catfish | Flathead Catfish | Bullhead Catfish |
Live Bait (worms, minnows, etc) | ![]() | ![]() | ||
Cut Bait (Cut up fish) | ![]() | |||
Stink Bait (Chicken Livers, Stink Bait) | ![]() |
There is no silver bullet
There is absolutely perfect bait for every situation. There is no perfect bait that will work on all catfish all of the time. It is more about knowing your catfish, knowing the location and anticipating what will work.
For example, there are two things about my local lakes that I love. There’s a marina at one of my favorite lakes and sometimes you can see giant catfish swimming beneath the surface of the water waiting for french fries to land on their heads so they can gobble them up right away!
So, at that time of day it wouldn’t be successful to fish for those catfish with some random bait but rather it makes sense to use french fries to catch them.
How to Fish for Catfish
If you’re new to catfishing, there are a few things that you’ll need in order to get started. Here is an outline of the basic fishing gear needed for catching catfish:
- Rod and reel combo with baitcasting or spinning wheels (most popular)
- Large tackle box
- Cutbait for use as live bait; worms work well too!
- Hooks – number depends on size of fish expected, but typically large hooks like #12-16 circle hooks will work best.
- Lures such as jigs and spinnerbaits can also be used if desired. For beginners we recommend using cutbait instead of lures until more experience has been gained.
- Landing net
- Bucket to place fish in.
- Padding for the bucket, and a rag or towel to clean up after fishing with bait. Catfish have notoriously dirty mouths!
Fishing for catfish can be done from land or boat – whatever is more convenient depending on where you are at the time of your trip! There’s been no shortage of good times when out catching these delicious freshwater fish.
5 Tips to catch more Catfish
- Learn the basics of catfishing by reading up on it beforehand.
- Find out what bait is most effective for you to use – this may take some trial and error, but will ultimately depend on your location’s water type as well as where they typically live in the lake or river. Bait can be cut pieces of meat from a variety of animals such as fish, chicken, pork, beef; vegetables such as corn kernels or pea pods. With experience you’ll find which bait works best for different species!
- When fishing with lures instead of bait: cast your lure into areas that are likely places cats might lurk (near weed beds), make sure to have enough weight at end so it doesn’t just float up to the surface of the water.
- There are a few different ways to fish for catfish, but the following is one of the most popular methods:
- Cast your line into deeper waters and wait until you feel a strong tugging feeling on it. You’ll know what to do next!
- Other techniques include using chicken as bait (chunks or pieces), hooks with doughballs, or small chunks of fresh meat from an animal such as crawdads.
Catfishing can be enjoyed by anyone who wants to try their luck at reeling in some tasty freshwater fish. Catfish make up over 60% percent of all consumed seafood in America despite not being saltwater species. Whether you’re an experienced angler or someone looking for something new and
Let us know about any cool catfish that you’ve caught, we love hearing those stories too 🙂 So now it’s time to get going and start fishing, so grab your gear and let’s do this thing!
How deep do you fish for catfish?
Most of the fishing I do for channel catfish is done in water five feet deep or less. A far more effective rig for me at that depth would be a slip bobber, but if you’re not Secret Catfish Rig then it’s probably best to go with something else – and don’t forget about shrimp!
What size hooks for catfish?
With all the different types of bait you can use, there are also many sizes of hooks that will work for fishing. When using a Kahle hook with catfish it is best to have an appropriately sized 2/0 or 3/0 size hook. If you want to catch small-to-medium channel cats then your 5/0 or 6/0 would be perfect!
Do you use a bobber for catfish?
The good old bobber setup is tried and true but a lot of times forgotten when it comes to fishing for catfish. They are easy to rig, easy to use and most of all – effective for catfishing.
What is the best bait for catfish?
The best bait for Catfish are worms, shads, minnows and other fish that have a strong smell. They’ll even bite on anything from your fridge!
What is the best homemade catfish bait?
The best homemade catfish bait is stink bait. Stink bait can be made from a variety of different ingredients that are readily available such as chicken and garlic, minnows and even cheese. The concept behind stink bait is you’re allowing the ingredient to start going through the rotting process so it produces strong smell which catfish love!
What smell attracts catfish?
Making scented baits can be a great way to catch sharks without using nasty chemicals that kill other fish and animals along their path. Simply mix some anise oil, garlic or blood in water to make it more enticing for local catfish populations.
In Conclusion
If you are wanting to learn how to fish for catfish so you can land those trophy catfish – then check out our other articles about catfish.
Also, check out our articles in Freshwater Fishing or Saltwater Fishing!